Days in a row I've rode my bike to work: 2!
It was so beautiful in Portland today! It made me wish that it was summer time already... My aunt was visiting Oregon last summer and took this really cool picture of Crater Lake. So summer is on my mind...
10 things I am looking forward to this summer:
10. Eating popsicles
9. The 4th of July
8. Chaco's tan line!
7. Jr. Teen Camp
6. Watching movies on the laptop outside with Eric
5. Not getting dark until 9:00
6. My birthday, May 16th
4. Camping and star watching
3. My sister getting married in August
1. Going on honeymoon in FLORIDA!
By the way... the wedding is 46 days away. I wish it were June. My room is getting to be quite unruly because I know it is all getting moved to a new apartment in two weeks! Must be patient for summer to get here (hurry up already!!!!)
days i have ridden to school on my bike in the last 3 weeks: 1
10:49 AM
Tabitha... way to go with the bike riding! It's the hardest thing to ride your bike when you can drive instead.
2:57 PM
this weekend, jon and i bought a light/generator (like the ones we had in germany) for my bike so now i can ride it to and from school without being afraid of being pulled over because it gets dark by the time i have to go home.
we'll see if i can increase those bike riding numbers . . .
11:14 AM
A light generator.... I didn't know they made those here. When I walk my bike in the hall way at school where I tutor it reminds me of walking it in the train station in Hildesheim. Remember when it was the short cut between the Bratchers' and the Roehrkasses' house?
10:02 AM
yeah . . . that good old train station. when i take my bike up and down the stairs from our basement to the street i remember the time i tried to take it down the stairs in that little tunnle under the road that majid worked in . . . and those punk kids that laughed at me.
the generator was only 9.99 at target! go get one! hurry! they rock!
days in a row i have ridden to school now: 2
total days i have ridden to school all term: 3
9:02 AM
Tabitha... I was at a bike store this morning and they didn't sell the cool light generators. I remember never trying to put my bike on the runner where the pedestrian path went under the bridge. I eventually found an easier way (that came out by the internet cafe.) Ah... the internet cafe. One time I tried to walk out with my fanta bottle because I didn't see where they were supposed to go. I got a talking to in german.
12:49 PM
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