Tuesday, July 12, 2005

An overview of why I'm in Portland...

After I graduated from Cascade I was interning with the P.U.M.P church of Christ and had no place to stay. I was actually in Germany before that and when I came back to Portland one of the other interns had asked their youth minister if I could stay with them until the internship was over. They said yes, and thus begins "my story."

I stayed there for the summer and went from being a guest in their home to being a "big sister" to their three wonderful children. I really liked Portland, and this family, and the chruch I was going to, so I wanted to figure out a way to stay. I started working for the YMCA thinking I could get an apartment of my own soon, but the more I got involved with this family and the church, the harder it was for me to leave.

My internship ended, but before I knew it I had been living with this family for one year... I was comfortable, my job was great, and I finally felt like I had a family away from my own. Portland was home to me and I wanted to stay as long as I could.

To make a long story short, another year went by and God called me back to Germany, this time for the entire summer. Before I left I had packed up my room and was planning to move in with some friends when I got back. Once again my plan was not God's plan and when I got back from Germany I unpacked my room again, into the house and family that I was so familar with.

God worked on me for another two years and decided that it was time to put a man in my life. He chose a pretty good one, and even though I was hesitant at first I followed my heart and found my true love. I knew that I was transistioning into another step in my life, but I was very sad to leave the family that I had spend the last 4 years with.

Yesterday marked the day that Eric and I have been married for one month. We live down the street from our church, my old room, and the wonderful Wagners' (whom we frequently visit for dinner and games.) Last friday we even had a sleep over with the littlest Wagners' and it was a lot of fun (even thought our apartment is not big enough for 5 people to live in.)

Aren't they so cute? They all made an appearence in the wedding and were absolutely adorable! Yes, that will be in posts to come.... and that's my story.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Niki. So, I googled and found your blog. Congratulations on your wedding! (That was a cool surprise to discover from your email and blog.) I hope you enjoyed Orlando and are enjoying Portland. Jenny and I are loving Japan, but we're excited to get back and be with friends and family next year.

I'm glad you've enjoyed reading about Japan. I need to remember to post more often.

Keep checking in, and we'll do the same.

1:50 AM

Blogger tabitha jane said...

hooray for life stories! how quickly the years have gone by!

8:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those kids are soooooo adorable! How could I order one? Oh wait- I already have them. :)

I am so galad that you came to live with us. You and your man are always welcome.

Love ya- Shauna

1:12 PM


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