2 more days until Christmas!
It's so hard to wait this year! Last year Eric and I had opened our presents to each other early because we were flying to Colorado and California to see our families. This year we have to wait until Christmas day. We have made two rules about presents and they are as follows; 1. You can't shake or handle the present, and 2. You can guess out loud what your present might be. I'm excited for the gifts that I got for Eric. It's also exciting because we get to start our family traditions together. So far a tradition of ours has been to go to the Zoo Lights and get an ornament at the gift shop. Last year we got a glittery turtle and this year there was a booth of a local artist that put her photographs on things like ornaments, coffee mugs, mouse pads, ect... We got a star ornament that had a picture of the zoo train on it.
Yesterday was a really good day. Even though I am oficially on my Christmas break I still had to work a few days at my pre-school because we were open for a few families that didn't have alternative care. It was mostly like babysitting for four days and because it was raining a lot we didn't really go out much, so it was also a bit on the boring side. So yesterday was my last day of that and when I got done at 2:00 I got to hang out with Eric because he had the day off. We went out to eat at a Mexican place near by called "Cha cha cha". It was yummy. Then we just started driving around and took a backroad along the river and ended up in Lake Oswego. I had never really been there before, so Eric showed me the sights. We window shopped in the downtown area that was actually by the Lake Oswego. On the way home we got some ice cream and we also decided to go to the zoo, which I have posted about in this first paragraph. And here's a picture if you, like me, have never seen the lake before.
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