Hooray for Christmas Break!!!!
Sigh... I am oficially on christmas break! I work at a really awesome preschool, but this last week has been crazy and our kids have been bouncing off the walls! So what did I do with my first few hours of freedom??? I visited my the family I used to live with and did a christmas craft with my favorite kids in Portland. Then I went downtown to have dinner with my husband, who told me he got off at 9:00 but really he gets off at 10:00 and that makes me quite sad.
Then I had to go to the house we're sitting to let the dog out of the kennel. This dog is crazy as well, but I don't blame her because Eric and I do work a lot and her kennel is really small. The other day she was in the bedroom that we sleep in and there was a pile of clothes on the floor and SHE CHEWED THROUGH MY FAVORITE PAIR OF UNDERWEAR!!!!!! Actually she chewed through two, but I'm very particular about my undergarments. I am very much like a small child because I don't like thick elastic that itches and cuts off my circulation.
The best part of this story is that I got to get new underwear and because they were on sale I got to get 5! My favorite pair are red now with little white fuzzy polar bears on the front.
Hmm... I wonder if it's weird to post about underwear...... hope nobody is embarassed... the biggest fan of this blog is probably my mother-in-law (HI MOM!!!!!)
And for no reason, here is a photo I took with Eric's old camera.
yes, i am your biggest fan. i am glad you got new undies. can't wait to see you.
love, mom
10:39 PM
thanks mom... we're counting down the days! looking forward to some relaxing time with family and hopefully a bit of warm weather! It's freezing here! Literally... the temperature has been below 30 at night sometimes!
8:08 AM
and it snowed. :)
3:12 PM
And I didn't have work today because of it (the snow)!My preschool is closed when Portland Public schools close. It was the perfect day to catch up on some napping and a knitting project for one of my friends.
5:13 PM
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