Saturday, May 28, 2005

He's so handsome...

Eric the pirate
Originally uploaded by Niki_Manzanares.
Last weekend my sister was here and my friends Shauna, Coleen, and Carrie had a shower for me. One of the games involved this picture of Eric dressed in a pirate suite. They had pre-asked Eric some questions and during the game I had to asnwer them. If I got it RIGHT then a piece of Eric's costume came off! For those of you whe were at the shower, you know what's under that pirate suite of his (wink, wink....) For those who weren't and are just curious (how dare you!) it was just a zebra print speedo. Isn't Eric making the perfect pirate face? Matching up the picture like that was not intentional.

moving in

moving in
Originally uploaded by Niki_Manzanares.
So this is where it all starts. When we started moving stuff we just crammed it all in (we were moving from a second story apartment to a second story apartment.... I don't really like stairs.) But this was a very exciting day for us! Even though the neighbor below us smokes and our apartment has been vacated for so long and has a lingering smell of it.... we were glad to be moving into our new place. It's a two bedroom, one bath apartment with a small balcony. It's a one minute walk to church, and less than five blocks from our favorite coffee shop and a great Thai place. We love the new place, but our lease is only for 6 months (after that it's month to month.) We would really (really) like if Eric would get hired full time at the new Apple store downtown... that way we MIGHT be able to afford a cute little apartment down there instead. He's starting downtown at the end of June (part-time for now.) We can't wait to start this new life together! 14 days, 4 hours, and 19 minutes until the wedding (and counting....)

the old couch from the church basement

And so we arranged what little furniture we had to make this small living space look more like a home. Not bad for everything being FREE (minus the chair... we invested $15 dollars at a rummage sale for this beauty.) Don't know if you could tell, but the T.V. is just resting on the floor. We eventually went to Target and got a T.V. stand (that I assembled ALL BY MYSELF!) I only had to mostly take it apart twice.

Extreme Makeover: Apartment Edition

Originally uploaded by Niki_Manzanares.
And this is what the apartment looks now! Aren't the red couches so cool? They are micro-suede (ooooh.... awwwwe..... ) Eric and I really can't thank his parents enough for making our apartment feel so comfortable (thank you, thank you, thank you!) Post wedding we would love to start having lots of people over for movies and bbq. Hmm... That is if we get a grill. If not then we like to make pizza too.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Dazed and.... well, just dazed really...

All I can say is that my life is really busy right now. There are so many things to post and so little time before the big day. I am getting married to the love of my life (Eric Benjamin Arnette) in 16 days, 3 hours, and 48 minutes (and counting.) I am crazy in love and as a result the rest of my life seems to be on pause. I live with a wonderful family, but I am never home to see them. My jobs are at the bottom of my priority list, and yes I will admit, sometimes I find myself bored and figuring out the different ways I will sign my NEW name (Mrs. Arnette, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Arnette, Nicole Marie Arnette...)

Two weekends ago my in-laws were in town visiting. They were our first guests in our new apartment and as a pre-wedding gift they took us shopping for some new furniture. This adventure really does deserve it's own post with pictures, so you will have to wait for the apartment transformation until I can find my USB cord.

The weekend after that my sister was here visiting and to attend the shower put on by my good friends Shuana, Coleen, and Carrie. This also deserves it's own post with pictures, but I'm not sure if Eric will allow me to post a game that we played about him in a pirate suit. Yes it is really funny, and no, it's not as bad as you think. There is very little nudity involved.

And yesterday Eric and I went to see Star Wars Episode III. It's hard not to talk about my favorite parts (out of respect for those who haven't seen it yet.) And I was disappointed that there wasn't a preview for The Chronicles of Narnia, but over all it was an enjoyable movie, that strangely reminded me of the Titanic. Only because in the Titanic you knew that in the end the boat was going to sink. In Star Wars you knew Anakin was going to the dark side, and there was nothing you could do about it. More than anything Eric and I realized that going to the movie was way out of our budget. Did you know that the cost for two adult matinee tickets, a small popcorn, and a small drink is $20.00??? Ridiculous... Ridiculous I say.

So to all of you faithfully reading this blog... I do owe you posts and pictures. USB cord where are you?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

First meal at new apartment

Oh yeah. I didn't mention that we hadn't moved the table over yet. Our first meal was in our dining room area, right where the table is supposed to be. We had to prop the camera on a cardboard box. The table is in the apartment now, but we don't have any chairs yet. Last night we had our good friends the Wagners' over for dinner (we borrowed some chairs from our church basement.) There are many kitchen items we don't have yet, so we had to ask Shauna if we could borrow some plates, a strainer, and a pot to cook the spaghetti in. We also didn't have a salad bowl, so we used the lid to our wok. Good thing for improvisation! When I look around my kitchen and think, "Man, we really need a trash can!" I think about the Beatles and their song that says, "All you need is love..."

Our first meal at the new apartment

This picture is so wonderful to me. Well, it's actually the memory that is more important. On monday Eric and I started moving his stuff into our NEW apartment. It's a small two bedroom place near the Portland Nursery on SE Stark St. On tuesday night we made our first meal together in our future home. Thanks to Amanda Shaver for giving us the fabulous glasses you see in the top left corner! We like to eat a lot of Asian cuisine (MSD'd!) And because it's getting so close I will announce that the wedding is in 28 days. Hmm... 28 days... Don't physchologists say it takes 28 days to break or form a habbit? Guess I should start to start running or something.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Field Trip

Field Trip
Originally uploaded by Niki_Manzanares.
This moring I went on a field trip with the second grade from Glencoe Elementary. We went to the "Bike Stuff" shop located on 4438 S.E. Belmont. I have been here several times to do repair on my bicycle. The shop itself has been there for 25 years and is a great little place to fix your bike. This week the family I live with is visiting Pepperdine University and I have been getting the kids up for school and putting them to bed. Yes, I will admit that it does require a lot of patience, but they are super kids. I find myself being a little worn out. Let's just say that having kids of my own can definitly wait a few years.

Monday, May 02, 2005

My grandma is awesome...

birthday card from gram
Originally uploaded by Niki_Manzanares.
Today I had a rough morning at my job and I thought that my whole day was going to follow in the same pattern. But then I got an early birthday card in the mail from my grandma and it totally made my day. Just reading the words in the card made me cry. If you can't read this fuzzy font it says, "Granddaughter, the whole place is buzzing about you!" Then on the inside it says,

You've got a great smile
And you're own special style-
You spread sunshine wherever you go...
You're second to none
At making life fun-
You're really a great kid to know!

Yes my grandma thinks that I am still, very much a kid. Everyone call your grandma and tell her how much you love her!!!!