Friday, April 29, 2005

Exciting things today...

Poster 2
Originally uploaded by Niki_Manzanares.
Today Eric and I went to a movie that we have both been anticipating for a while. If you enjoy sci-fi with a twist of brittish humor then this is the movie for you. You know a movie is going to be good when the author of the book also writes the screen play. It's not EXACTLY like the book, but any Douglas Adams fan will appreaciate the film. Although the author passed away in May of 2001 it's nice to know that his work and brilliant creativity can live on.

Sleepy Bear

Sleepy Bear
Originally uploaded by Niki_Manzanares.
This is one of my favorite pictures. Isn't he cute?

Pair of sea lions

Pair of sea lions
Originally uploaded by Niki_Manzanares.
We were watching the sea lions for a long time. They were so beautiful swimming gracefully in the water.

I am sea lion, hear me roar...

If this sea lion were singing a song, what would it be?

Reflecting Giraffes

Reflecting Giraffes
Originally uploaded by Niki_Manzanares.
Yesterday Eric and I spent the afternoon at the Portland Zoo and it was a fabulous day! I took over 200 pictures, but I can not post them all, so I will post my favorites. I really liked the giraffes and the sea lions. I would have liked to take pictures of the polar bears, but they were sleeping in a corner and not photograph worthy.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Days in a row I've rode my bike to work: 2!

Crater Lake
Originally uploaded by Niki_Manzanares.
It was so beautiful in Portland today! It made me wish that it was summer time already... My aunt was visiting Oregon last summer and took this really cool picture of Crater Lake. So summer is on my mind...

10 things I am looking forward to this summer:

10. Eating popsicles
9. The 4th of July
8. Chaco's tan line!
7. Jr. Teen Camp
6. Watching movies on the laptop outside with Eric
5. Not getting dark until 9:00
6. My birthday, May 16th
4. Camping and star watching
3. My sister getting married in August
1. Going on honeymoon in FLORIDA!

By the way... the wedding is 46 days away. I wish it were June. My room is getting to be quite unruly because I know it is all getting moved to a new apartment in two weeks! Must be patient for summer to get here (hurry up already!!!!)

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I like to ride my bicycle, I like to ride my bike....

Originally uploaded by Niki_Manzanares.
So today I did it. After much procrastination I FINALLY gave up the luxury of my truck and I BIKED to work. There's no getting out of this one! Eric will be canceling the insurance on our second car (to save money) and because I live closer to my work I get to ride my bike. But to be completely honest, I love it. Last year I rode my bike ALL winter and I was in the best shape I have ever been. All that has gone down hill when I met Eric and he had a car. I like that I will be biking an hour everyday because I still have a wedding dress that I want to fit in to! The picture I posted is not my real bike (it's my dream bike though!) My bike was purchased at Fred Meyer and it has a kick stand. That's how cool it is. The title of this entry is also a song. Can you name the group that sang it?

Monday, April 25, 2005

New Harry Potter release date: July 16th 2005

Originally uploaded by Niki_Manzanares.
If you read my profile you will learn that my favorite authors are Joseph Heller, John Irving, and Kurt Vonegut, which sounds grown up and sophisticated... so I have a confession to make. I have been a fan of the Harry Potter books for a long time and I was excited to hear that the 6th book was coming out this summer. The second book was by far my favorite. I'm looking foward to introducing this collection of literature to my children someday. I would say pick up the first one before you watch the movies.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

A sunday evening...

Originally uploaded by Niki_Manzanares.
Maybe there should be an explanation for this picture. Contrary to popular belief I am NOT joining the world poker tour. But today Eric and I went over to our friends Jon and Tabitha's house and we had Thai food and played poker. Yes I did have to have a cheat sheet, and yes I couldn't remember what each chip was worth (I'll put in two blue ones.....) But I did win three hands in a row. Name this movie quote and win a small place in my heart that, well, quotes movies a lot. "I'll have three stacks of high society."

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Currently Reading...

Originally uploaded by Niki_Manzanares.
If you haven't had the experience of reading a John Irving novel, I highly recommend it. Start with "A Prayer for Owen Meany" and if you like that one there are many others to choose from. "The Fourth Hand" is about a journalist who loses his hand to a tiger while doing a report about the circus in India. The book primarily is about his life and the changes he goes through while toying with the idea of a hand transplant. My favorite aspect of Irving's writing is his ability to make a character come to life, mostly through events that you would not like to experience for your self, but believable nonetheless.

Learning to post pictures

Originally uploaded by Niki_Manzanares.
Yesterday I went to the Portland Nursery to take some photographs of the fountains and statues they have there. It reminded me very much of spending time in Hanover, Germany and the beautiful garden I visited with friends. Does anyone else miss any part of Europe and wish they could travel there right now?

23rd of April, 2005

Us at the park
Originally uploaded by Niki_Manzanares.
So here is a picture of Eric and I. Right now I am just trying to figure out how to post pictures. Let's see if this works.