I have a lot on my mind right now... so much that I couldn't even come up with catchy title for my post. So I'm just going to write and see if my mind will let my fingers express what I am thinking right now.
The picture above is my cousin Jenny. She is one of my best friends and we grew up together in Rifle, Colorado. Jenny came to Portland a few years ago to attend Cascade and that was where our friendship really started to grow. Well, we had always been FRIENDS, but this was our first experience when we weren't surrounded by family and familar things. We went to coffee a lot. She stayed the night at my house on Saturdays to do laundry and go to church and we would stay up late just talking and laughing. There are some stories about my childhood that I can't even say out loud with out almost peeing my pants! One of them is the story my sister told in her speech as my maid of honor. But let's get back to Jenny. She went to Cascade for one year and then went back to Colorado to work and figure out what she wanted to do with her life. I was sad to see my friend go. I remember when her parents came to pick her up and when they were getting in the the car I started crying. When I hugged her I didn't want to let go. Her mom joined in the hug, but I think it was just to pry me off of her. I miss Jenny very much. She joined the Army a year ago, or very close to it. I got to see her graduate from basic training at Ft. Leonard Wood (that's in Missiouri.) She is right now stationed in South Korea and has been there for 5 months. It feels like she has been gone for years. I don't e-mail her as often as I should... in fact I am terrible at e-mailing anyone! I am a jerk like that.
Today I made the familar trek over to the Wagners' house to do some laundry before Eric and I leave for Colorado tomorrow for my sisters wedding. I went inside the house and my friend Shauna immediately says "come with me" and we go to Starbucks. When we got back to the house we chatted for a bit.... Shauna and I go way back because I lived with the Wagners for four years and now that I am married I live just one block away. Shauna had to leave the house and before she left she said, "if my kitchen is clean when I get back there will be ten dollars for whoever did it." I laughed.... then I cleaned the kitchen. But while I was doing it I got this funny feeling. I had unloaded the dish washer many times before this, but this time it was different. I remembered where every thing went, but I couldn't describe what my mind was trying to tell me. Then I started crying. That's not really out of my character, being a girl and all.... I just think that I missed living at the Wagners' and all the experiences that I had there.
I've been married for two months now. It seems like longer than that, but I don't mean that in a "man, I've been married for SOOO long and this guy really gets on my nerves" sort of way. I love everything about it! The way we still spend every moment together, getting up at 6:30 to eat breakfast with him before he leaves for work, going to the store to get milk and tooth paste, working on having a Christ-like relationship, commenting on the crazy garden lady in our apartment complex (who seems to be watering every time we go in our out), the intimacy, the silliness, and always taking up the entire bed when Eric comes in after brushing his teeth and turns off the light. We have such a wonderful support system. Great friends and parents who continuously tell us how happy they are for us. What more could a girl want? Well, there is the whole baby thing, but I am patient and will wait as long as I can!
A few days ago I was unpacking some things and realized that I have a lot of musical instruments. They are (in no particular order): Two flutes, a clarinet, a green acoustic guitar, a keyboard, a didgeridoo, a tamborine and various other percussion type instruments. So I think I need to start a band! Will you join me? Pick an insturment from my collection, or bring one of your own! What will you play in my band? What will be called? Will we have costumes?